Join us for Easter in the Goodland Sunday, April 20th at 9:30am at the beautiful Stow House! Come celebrate Easter morning as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection with great coffee, donuts, and a ton of fun for your kids. We will celebrate the hope we have in each new day because Jesus conquered the grave and rose to life again!
Anthem Kids are going to have a blast this Easter! We have a fun service planned for your children from our nursery all the way up through 6th grade. Kids will enjoy music, crafts, games, and most importantly, the message that Jesus is alive! Contact with questions.

Good Friday in the Goodland is Friday, April 18th at the Stow House. Join us for a picnic at 5pm followed by our service at 5:45pm. Bring your whole family!

Here’s what you can do right now to help: Pray, Invite, Bring. Please begin to pray about who you could invite to our Easter service, and then invite and bring them to the service.

We need you to help us serve! Register here to volunteer!